Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jesse the vegetable lover

This is what happened the other evening when we were about to go to bed.


Enter, Mom into the family room.

Jesse is sprawled out on the floor in his Thomas the Train pajamas.

(whining with face to the ground)
Mom,  I have no fuel

(slightly irritated because she is tired, yet in a gentle tone)

(matter of fact-ly)
I have no fuel, I need fuel.

(irritation rising, yet still calm, letting out a very quiet exasperated sigh)
Ok, then let's go to sleep, that will give you fuel.

Mom gives Jesse a hand to pull him up to his feet.
Jesse resists, and stays dramatically sprawled out on the floor.

(matter of fact-ly)
Salad will give me fuel. 

(confused, face scrunches up, not sure she heard correctly)
What? You want salad?

(Slyly, trying to make mom think it was her idea, and that he is innocently following her suggestion)
Ok, if you think salad will give me fuel, I'll eat some.

(confused why Jesse thinks he needs to trick her into letting him eat salad)
Um, well, it's time for bed, but-- 

Awww, but I want salad.

(amused that he is whining because he wants salad!?)
I will let you have salad, even though it's late.

Mom throws a spinach salad with a balsamic vinaigrette at 8:17 P.M.
Jesse eats the entire bowl. 
Then he obediently runs off to get ready for bed.

(taking in what just happened)
Ok-y, Dokey...

I know that is NOT an Academy Award winning screenplay, but I wanted you to picture exactly how that evening went.  It was just funny to me. 
Jesse loves salad.  It's very funny given the fact that he is a 5-year-old-boy.  Most moms are trying to find ways to get their children to eat more vegetables, when Jesse asks for vegetables.  Sometimes that is the only thing he will eat from his plate.  He particularly likes all the green colored ones.  He is a unique one.  
For example, today I made mac and cheese and steamed broccoli for lunch.  He ate ALL of his broccoli and 2 bites of his mac and cheese.  For a snack, he asks for edamame.  No, I am not a magician.   Actually, I don't even know how this happened.  Let's see if little sis is the same way.  I can't quite tell, but if she is the same, then maybe I'm doing SOMETHING right with this mom gig of mine.  Even if Noelle is not a vegetable lover,  I think I still get some points for Jesse's vegetable loving ways.  

Good Bye Summer!

The first day of fall is this Saturday, so here is a farewell to summer -  a slide show of all of our sizzling adventures.  I wasn't able to add text to the pictures for descriptions, so hopefully it is still entertaining (Though I'll keep working on that).  But I was able to add music to it - Jesse's favorite song!  I think it's rather fitting for a summer slide show!

*Now note that there really aren't pictures of us with other people in this slide.  But we actually do have family and friends.  I think there are people who like us and enjoy being with us:) So, yes, we did plenty of things with dear family and friends this summer.  But I don't always put pictures of other people on my blog for their privacy sake, and I really don't note in detail the places that we visit, and I don't add posts about ALL of our adventures - because my blog is...public.  Just being sensitive to stranger danger issues and such.

So I am sorry if you find my posts sometimes vague...  Just envision us as mysterious globe trotters on a dangerous  exhilarating mission and if I blog (blog as a verb?) TOO much info, then all the most delicious chocolate in the world disappears into a big, black hole.  So you can understand my predicament.  Oh, in fact, maybe I have said too much.  But I think my blog will be going private pretty soon... I'll let you know:)  Then my posts can get more...exciting.